Etymology 1590s, from Medieval Latin - prosecutor, from prōsequor (English prosecute). Pronunciation
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Etymology 1590s, from Medieval Latin - prosecutor, from prōsequor (English prosecute). Pronunciation
- (America) IPA: /ˈpɹɑ.səˌ.kjuːˌ.təɹˌ/
prosecutor (plural prosecutors)
- (law) a prosecuting attorney.
- Annie Jay was the Wisconsin government prosecutor in the trial of a man for forging his client's signature.
- (law) a person, as a complainant, victim, or chief witness, who institutes prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
- The prosecutor got the witness to admit he was lying.
- German: Staatsanwalt, Staatsanwältin
- Italian: procuratore della repubblica
- Portuguese: procurador, procuradora
- Russian: прокуро́р
- Spanish: acusador
- French: procureur, procuratrice, procureuse
- German: Staatsanwalt, Staatsanwältin, Amtsanwalt, Ankläger, Anklägerin
- Italian: prosecutore, procuratore
- Portuguese: promotor, promotora
- Russian: прокуро́р
- Spanish: fiscal
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