  • (RP) IPA: /ˈpɹəʊtətʌɪp/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈpɹoʊtəˌtaɪp/, /-ɾə-/

prototype (plural prototypes)

  1. An original#Adjective|original form#Noun|form or object#Noun|object which is a basis for other forms or objects (particularly manufactured#Adjective|manufactured items), or for its generalizations and model#Noun|models. [from late 16th c.]
    • 1658, Thomas Browne, “The Garden of Cyrus. […]. Chapter I.”, in Hydriotaphia, Urne-buriall, […] Together with The Garden of Cyrus, […], London: Printed for Hen[ry] Brome […], OCLC 48702491 ↗; reprinted as Hydriotaphia (The English Replicas), New York, N.Y.: Payson & Clarke Ltd., 1927, OCLC 78413388 ↗, pages 102–103 ↗:
      And if Jordan were but Jaar Eden, that is, the Riuer of Eden, Geneſar but Ganſar or the Prince of Gardens; and it could be made out, that the Plain of Jordan were watered not comparatively, but cauſally, and becauſe it was the Paradiſe of God, as the Learned Abramas hinteth, he was not far from the Prototype and originall of Plantations.
  2. An early sample#Noun|sample or model build#Verb|built to test#Verb|test a concept or process#Noun|process.
    The prototype had loose wires and rough edges, but it worked.
  3. (computing) A declaration of a function#Noun|function that specifies the name#Noun|name, return#Noun|return type#Noun|type, and parameters, but none of the body or actual code#Noun|code.
  4. (semantics) An instance of a category or a concept that combine#Verb|combines its most representative#Adjective|representative attribute#Noun|attributes.
    A robin is a prototype of a bird; a penguin is not.
Synonyms Translations Verb

prototype (prototypes, present participle prototyping; past and past participle prototyped)

  1. (transitive) To create a prototype of.

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