see also: Psyche
Pronunciation Noun
Pronunciation Proper noun
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see also: Psyche
Pronunciation Noun
psyche (plural psyches)
- The human soul, mind, or spirit.
- (chiefly psychology) The human mind as the central force in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual.
- A small white butterfly, Leptosia nina, family Pieridae, of Asia and Australasia.
- IPA: /ˈsaɪk/
psyche (uncountable)
- Abbreviation of psychology#English|psychology.
- (colloquial) Used abruptly after a sentence to indicate that the speaker is only joking.
psyche (psyches, present participle psyching; past and past participle psyched)
- (transitive) To put (someone) into a required psychological frame of mind.
- (transitive) To intimidate (someone) emotionally using psychology.
- (transitive, informal) To treat (someone) using psychoanalysis.
Pronunciation Proper noun
- (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) The personification of the soul. Originally a mortal princess who later married Eros/Cupid, (the god of love), was deified, and bore him a daughter, Hedone/Voluptas.
- 16 Psyche, a main belt asteroid
- Russian: Психе́я
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