Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
pumpkin (plural pumpkins)
- A domesticated plant, in species Cucurbita pepo, similar in growth pattern, foliage, flower, and fruit to the squash or melon.
- The round yellow or orange fruit of this plant.
- (uncountable) The color of the fruit of the pumpkin plant.
- (Australia) Any of a number of cultivars from the genus Cucurbita; known in the US as winter squash.
- (US) A term of endearment for someone small and cute.
- French: citrouille
- German: Kürbis, Kürbispflanze
- Italian: zucca
- Portuguese: abóbora, jerimum, aboboreira (Brazil)
- Russian: ты́ква
- Spanish: calabaza, calabazera
- French: citrouille, potiron (informally used interchangeably with "citrouille")
- German: Kürbis, Kürbisfrucht
- Italian: zucca
- Portuguese: abóbora, jerimum (Brazil)
- Russian: ты́ква
- Spanish: calabaza, auyama (Colombia), ayote (Costa Rica), zapallo (Argentina)
- French: citrouille
- German: Kürbisfarbe, Kürbisfarben (frequently used in plural)
- Portuguese: abóbora, cor de abóbora
- German: Kürbis
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.036