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pushover (plural pushovers)
- Someone who is easily swayed or influenced to change his/her mind or comply.
- I'm a pushover when it comes to buying new kitchen gadgets.
- Someone who lets himself be picked or bullied on without defending or stand up for him/herself.
- (someone who is easily swayed or influenced) little girl, mollusc, nose of wax
- (someone who lets himself be picked-on or bullied) nestle-cock, softy, wuss; see also Thesaurus:milksop
- German: Schwächling, Umfaller
- Portuguese: influenciável
- Russian: проста́к
- Spanish: influenciable
- Italian: merlo, pollo, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, codardo, cortigiano, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole, mammoletta, coniglio
- Portuguese: bobo, coitado, covarde, fraco, frouxo, molenga, pusilânime
- Russian: слаба́к
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002