  • IPA: /ɹiːˈækt/

react (reacts, present participle reacting; past and past participle reacted)

  1. (transitive, now, rare) To act or perform a second time; to do over again; to reenact. [from 17th c.]
    • 1791, Thomas Paine, Rights of Man:
      It is somewhat extraordinary, that the offence for which James II, was expelled, that of setting up power by assumption, should be re-acted, under another shape and form, by the parliament that expelled him.
  2. (physics) To return an impulse or impression; to resist the action of another body by an opposite force
    Every body reacts on the body that impels it from its natural state.
  3. (chemistry, intransitive) To act upon each other; to exercise a reciprocal or a reverse effect, as two or more chemical agents; to act in opposition.
  4. (chemistry, transitive) To cause chemical agents to react; to cause one chemical agent to react with another.
Related terms Translations Translations Noun

react (plural reacts)

  1. (Internet) An emoji used to express a reaction to a post on social media.
    Sad reacts only

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