  • IPA: /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪ.mən/

regimen (plural regimens)

  1. Orderly government; system of order; administration.
  2. (medicine) Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation.
    • 1832, The Edinburgh Review (page 470)
      Seven or eight annual bloodings, and as many purgations — such was the common regimen the theory prescribed to ensure continuance of health […]
  3. (grammar) object
    • The Popular Educator. A Complete Encyclopaedia of Elementary, Advanced, and Technical Education. New and Revised Edition. Volume III., page 394 (Lessions in French.---LVIII. § 42.---Of Verbs):
      (3.) Verbs admit two kinds of regimen: the direct regimen and the indirect regimen. (4.) The direct regimen, or immediate object [...] (5.) The indirect regimen, or remote object [....]
    • 1828, J. V. Douville, The Speaking French Grammar, forming a series of sixty explanatory lessons, with colloquial essays, third edition, London, page 84 and 315:
      Active verbs express an action which an agent, called the nominative or subject, performs on an object or regimen, without the help of a preposition: as,--- Pierre aime Sophie, Peter loves Sophia. [...] Of the Object or Regimen of Verbs.
    • 1831 and 1854, A. Bolmar, A Book of the French Verbs, Wherein the Model Verbs, and Several of the Most Difficult Are Conjugated Affirmatively, Negatively, Interrogatively, an Negatively and Interrogatively. and A Book of the French Verbs, Wherein the Model Verbs, and Several of the Most Difficult Are Conjugated Affirmatively, Negatively, Interrogatively, an Negatively and Interrogatively. A New Edition, Philadelphia, page 2:
      15. A verb is active in French when it expresses that an agent called nominative, or subject, performs an action on an object, or regimen, without the help of a preposition---as, Jean frappe Joseph, John strikes Joseph, &c.
  4. (grammar) A syntactical relation between words, as when one depends on another and is regulated by it in respect to case or mood; government.
  5. (medicine, dated) Diet; limitations on the food that one eats, for health reasons.
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  • Russian: управление

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