  • IPA: /ɹɪˈliːf/


  1. The removal of stress or discomfort.
    I sighed with relief when I found out that my daughter hadn't got lost, but was waiting for me at home.
  2. The feeling associated with the removal of stress or discomfort.
  3. Release from a post or duty, as when replaced by another.
  4. The person who takes over a shift for another.
    Officer Schmidt can finally go home because his relief has arrived.
  5. Aid or assistance offered in time of need.
  6. (legal) Court-ordered compensation, aid, or protection, a redress.
  7. A lowering of a tax through special provisions; tax relief.
  8. A certain fine or composition paid by the heir of a tenant upon the death of the ancestor.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Noun


  1. A type of sculpture or other artwork in which shapes or figures protrude from a flat background.
  2. The apparent difference in elevation in the surface of a painting or drawing made noticeable by a variation in light or color.
  3. The difference of elevations on a surface.
    the relief on that part of the Earth's surface
  4. (heraldry) The supposed projection of a charge from the surface of a field, indicated by shading on the sinister and lower sides.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Adjective


  1. (of a surface) Characterized by surface inequalities.
  2. Of or used in letterpress.

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