see also: Rent
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
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see also: Rent
Pronunciation Noun
- A payment made by a tenant at intervals in order to occupy a property.
- A similar payment for the use of equipment or a service.
- (economics) A profit from possession of a valuable right, as a restricted license to engage in a trade or business.
- A New York city taxicab license earns more than $10,000 a year in rent.
- An object for which rent is charged or paid.
- (obsolete) Income; revenue.
- [Bacchus] a waster was and all his rent / In wine and bordel he dispent.
- 1733-1738, Alexander Pope, Imitations of Horace:
- So bought an annual rent or two, / And liv'd, just as you see I do.
- French: loyer
- German: Miete, Mietzins
- Italian: affitto, fitto
- Portuguese: renda, aluguel
- Russian: квартирный
- Spanish: renta, alquiler, arriendo
rent (rents, present participle renting; past and past participle rented)
- (transitive) To occupy premises in exchange for rent.
- I rented a house from my friend's parents for a year.
- (transitive) To grant occupation in return for rent.
- We rented our house to our son's friend for a year.
- (transitive) To obtain or have temporary possession of an object (e.g. a movie) in exchange for money.
- (intransitive) To be leased or let for rent.
- The house rents for five hundred dollars a month.
- French: louer
- German: mieten
- Italian: affittare
- Portuguese: alugar
- Russian: снима́ть
- Spanish: alquilar, arrendar, rentar
- French: louer
- German: vermieten
- Italian: affittare
- Portuguese: alugar
- Russian: сдава́ть в аренда
- Spanish: alquilar
- French: louer
- German: mieten
- Italian: noleggiare
- Portuguese: alugar
- Russian: брать напрока́т
- Spanish: alquilar
rent (plural rents)
- A tear or rip in some surface.
- 1913, D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, chapter 10
- The brown paint on the door was so old that the naked wood showed between the rents.
- 1913, D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, chapter 10
- A division or schism.
- 2002, Michael B. Oren, Six Days of War: June 1967:
- […] the White House was considering sending Vice President Humphrey to Cairo to patch up the many rents in U.S.—Egyptian relations.
- 2002, Michael B. Oren, Six Days of War: June 1967:
- French: déchirure
- German: Riss
- Italian: strappo, squarcio, lacerazione, scissione
- Russian: проре́ха
- Spanish: rasgadura
- Simple past tense and past participle of rend
Proper noun
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