  • IPA: /ɹɪˈpliːt/


  1. Abounding.
    • 1730, Jonathan Swift, "The Pheasant and the Lark":
      A peacock reign'd, whose glorious sway
      His subjects with delight obey:
      His tail was beauteous to behold,
      Replete with goodly eyes and gold.
    • 1759, Samuel Johnson, Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, ch. 12:
      I am less unhappy than the rest, because I have a mind replete with images.
    • 1843, Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 44:
      "Salisbury Cathedral, my dear Jonas, . . . is an edifice replete with venerable associations."
    • 1916, Elbert Hubbard, Little Journeys: Volume 8—Great Philosophers, "Seneca":
      History is replete with instances of great men ruled by their barbers.
  2. Gorged, filled to near the point of bursting, especially with food or drink.
    • 1901, Bret Harte, "Three Vagabonds of Trinidad" in Under the Redwoods:
      And what an afternoon! To lie, after this feast, on their bellies in the grass, replete like animals . . . .
    • 1913, Jack London, The Valley of the Moon, ch. 15:
      In the evening, replete with deer meat, resting on his elbow and smoking his after-supper cigarette, he said . . . .
Synonyms Related terms Translations Translations
  • Italian: strapieno, strapiena, stracolmo, stracolma, sazio, satollo
  • Portuguese: cheio, cheia
  • Russian: перепо́лненный

replete (plural repletes)

  1. A honeypot ant.

replete (repletes, present participle repleting; past and past participle repleted)

  1. (transitive) To fill to repletion, or restore something that has been depleted.

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