Etymology Pronunciation Noun
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Etymology Pronunciation Noun
restart (plural restarts)
- The act of starting something again.
- Synonyms: rebeginning#Noun, recommencement, relaunch#Noun, revamp#Noun
- Coordinate terms: refresh, reload
- After the restart of my browser, the problem went away.
- German: Neustart
- Italian: riavvio
- Portuguese: reinício
- Russian: переза́пуск
- Spanish: reinicio
restart (restarts, present participle restarting; simple past and past participle restarted)
- (ambitransitive) To start again.
- Synonyms: rebegin, recommence, reinitiate
- Coordinate terms: refresh, relaunch, reload, revamp
- All attempts to restart the engine failed.
- (computing) Synonym of reboot.
- Coordinate terms: refresh, relaunch, reload
- French: recommencer
- German: neustarten
- Italian: ricominciare
- Portuguese: recomeçar
- Russian: возобновля́ть
- Spanish: reiniciar
- French: redémarrer
- German: neustarten
- Italian: riavviare
- Portuguese: reiniciar
- Russian: перезагружа́ть
- Spanish: reiniciar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002