
From re- + start.

  • (America, Canada) IPA: /ˈɹiːˌstɑɹt/, /ˌɹɪˈstɑɹt/
  • (RP) IPA: /ˌɹɪˈstɑːt/, /ˈɹiːˌstɑːt/

restart (plural restarts)

  1. The act of starting something again.
    Synonyms: rebeginning#Noun, recommencement, relaunch#Noun, revamp#Noun
    Coordinate terms: refresh, reload
    After the restart of my browser, the problem went away.
Translations Verb

restart (restarts, present participle restarting; simple past and past participle restarted)

  1. (ambitransitive) To start again.
    Synonyms: rebegin, recommence, reinitiate
    Coordinate terms: refresh, relaunch, reload, revamp
    All attempts to restart the engine failed.
  2. (computing) Synonym of reboot.
    Coordinate terms: refresh, relaunch, reload
Translations Translations

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