  • IPA: /ɹɪˈvjuː/

review (plural reviews)

  1. A second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact in an attempt to gain new insights.
    I need to make a review of the book before I can understand it.
  2. An account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work.
    • 1971, Peter Brown, The World of Late Antiquity: AD 150—750, Thames & Hudson LTD (2013 reprint), ISBN 0393958035, page 54.
      The more strongly people felt about their ideas, the more potent the demons seemed to them: Christians believed that traditional paganism, far from being the work of men, was an 'opium of the masses', pumped into the human race by the non-human demons; and one scholar even ascribed bad reviews of his book to demonic inspiration!
    The newspaper review was full of praise for the play.
  3. (legal) A judicial reassessment of a case or an event.
    The victims demanded a full judicial review of the case.
  4. A stage show made up of topical sketches etc.
    Synonyms: revue
    The Cambridge Footlights Review launched many Monty Python faces.
  5. A survey of the available items or material.
    The magazine contained a review of Paris restaurants.
  6. A periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field.
    The Times Literary Review is published in London.
  7. A military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs.
    The troops assembled for a review by the Queen.
  8. A forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code.
    The regulators demanded a review against NYSE practices.
Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Italian: riesame
  • Russian: прове́рка

review (reviews, present participle reviewing; past and past participle reviewed)

  1. To survey; to look broadly over.
    Before I tackle the question directly, I must briefly review historical approaches to the problem.
  2. To write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc.; to write a review.
    The critic reviews every new play in London.
  3. To look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.
  4. (transitive, US, Canada) To look over again (something previously written or learned), especially in preparation for an examination.
  5. (obsolete) To view or see again; to look back on.
    • 1610–11, William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale, act IV, scene iv, in The Works of Mr. William Shakeſpear; in Eight Volumes, volume II (1709), page 954 ↗:
      Cam[illo]   What I do next, ſhall be next to tell the King // Of this Eſcape, and whither they are bound: // Wherein my hope is, I ſhall ſo prevail, // To force him after: in whoſe company // I ſhall review Sicilia; for whoſe ſight, // I have a Woman’s Longing.
  6. (obsolete) To retrace; to go over again.
    • 1726, Alexander Pope (translator), Homer (author), Odyssey, book III, lines 127–128, in The Odyſſey of Homer, volume I (1760), [,+laborious+scene+review?%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=EVIvUrXpKc-g7AbZ54HYAQ&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Shall%20I%20the%20long%2C%20laborious%20scene%20review%3F%22&f=false page 113]:
      Shall I the long, laborious ſcene review, // And open all the wounds of Greece anew?
Translations Translations
  • German: rezensieren
  • Portuguese: resenhar
  • Russian: де́лать обзо́р
  • Spanish: reseñar
Translations Related terms

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