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- (British) IPA: /ˈʃɛ.djuːl/, /ˈʃɛ.dʒuːl/, /ˈskɛ.djuːl/, /ˈskɛ.dʒuːl/
- (America) IPA: /ˈskɛ.dʒʊl/, /ˈskɛ.dʒəl/, /ˈskɛ.dʒu.əl/, /ˈskɛ.dʒul/
- (India) IPA: /ʃɛ.djuːl/
- (Canada) IPA: /ˈskɛ.dʒu.əl/, /ˈskɛ.dʒuːl/, /ˈʃɛ.dʒu.əl/, /ˈʃɛ.dʒuːl/
schedule (plural schedules)
- (obsolete) A slip of paper; a short note. [14th-17th c.]
- (legal) A written or printed table of information, often forming an annex or appendix to a statute or other regulatory instrument, or to a legal contract. [from 15th c.]
- schedule of tribes
- (US, law) One of the five divisions into which controlled drugs are classified, or the restrictions denoted by such classification. [from 20th c.]
- A serial record of items, systematically arranged.
- Synonyms: catalog, list, listing, register, registry, table
- A procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur. [from 19th c.]
- Synonyms: timeline, timetable
- (computer science) An allocation or ordering of a set of tasks on one or several resources. [from 20th c.]
- French: planning, horaire, ordonnancement, emploi du temps
- German: Termin, Programm, Zeitplan
- Italian: programma, orario, ruolino di marcia
- Portuguese: agenda, cronograma
- Russian: расписа́ние
- Spanish: horario, itinerario
schedule (schedules, present participle scheduling; past and past participle scheduled)
- To create a time-schedule#Noun|schedule.
- To plan an activity at a specific date or time in the future.
- I'll schedule you for three-o'clock then.
- The next elections are scheduled on the 20th of November.
- (Australia, medicine) To admit (a person) to hospital as an involuntary patient under the Mental Health Act.
- whether or not to schedule a patient
- French: planifier, ordonnancer
- German: planen
- Portuguese: agendar
- Russian: плани́ровать
- French: prévoir, programmer
- German: planen, ansetzen, festsetzen
- Russian: плани́ровать
- Spanish: programar, adiar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005