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From Middle English scolar, scolare, scoler, scolere (also scholer), from Old English scōlere, from Late Latin scholāris, from schola ("school"), from Ancient Greek σχολή, equivalent to
scholar (plural scholars)
- A student; one who studies at school or college, typically having a scholarship.
- Synonyms: student, pupil
- A specialist in a particular branch of knowledge.
- Synonyms: expert, specialist
- A learned person; a bookman.
- (Singapore) Someone who received a prestigious scholarship.
- French: étudiant
- German: Student, Schüler, Schülerin, Studentin
- Portuguese: bolsista, bolseiro, bolseira
- Russian: уча́щийся
- French: expert, spécialiste
- German: Gelehrter
- Italian: studioso, erudito, dotto, accademico, letterato, ricercatore
- Portuguese: erudito, especialista, acadêmico, estudioso
- Russian: учёный
- Spanish: erudito, especialista, estudioso, docto, sabio
- French: savant, érudit, intellectuel
- German: Gelehrter
- Italian: erudito, dotto
- Portuguese: erudito, douto
- Russian: знато́к
- Spanish: erudito, docto, sabio
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005