Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
scion (plural scions)
- A descendant, especially a first-generation descendant of a distinguished family.
- 1826, Mary Shelley, The Last Man, volume 3, chapter 1:
- No senate seats in council for the dead; no scion of a time-honoured dynasty pants to rule over the inhabitants of a charnel house; the general's hand is cold, and the soldier has his untimely grave dug in his native fields, unhonoured, though in youth.
- 1966, Sholem Aleichem, An Early Passover, Clifton Pub. Co., paperback edition, page 24:
- It was said to him that those people were the scions of Zion.
- 1986, David Leavitt, The Lost Language of Cranes, Penguin, paperback edition, page 72:
- He could show his parents Eliot, scion of Derek Moulthorp, and then how could they say he was throwing his life away?
- 1826, Mary Shelley, The Last Man, volume 3, chapter 1:
- The heir to a throne.
- A guardian.
- (botany) A detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting; a shoot or twig in a general sense.
- French: descendant, descendante
- German: Nachkomme, Nachkommin, Nachfahr, Nachfahre, Nachfahrin, Abkomme, Abkommin, Nachkömmling, Abkömmling, Spross, Sprössling
- Italian: discendente, rampollo
- Portuguese: descendente, rebento
- Russian: пото́мок
- Spanish: descendiente
- French: héritier d'un trône
- German: Thronfolgerin, Thronfolger, Prinz, Prinzessin
- Italian: erede al trono
- Portuguese: herdeiro
- Russian: насле́дник
- Spanish: heredero
- French: scion
- German: Spross, Sprössling, Ableger, Pfropfreis, Reis, Steckling
- Italian: talea, pollone
- Portuguese: enxerto
- Russian: побе́г
- Spanish: vástago, púa, hijuelo
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005