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From sincere + -ly, from Latin sincērus.
Pronunciation Adverbsincerely
- In a sincere or earnest manner; honestly.
- I sincerely hope they make it home safely.
- (US) A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom the letter is intended by his or her name.
- Please consider the proposal carefully and let me know what you decide.
- Please consider the proposal carefully and let me know what you decide.
- (in a sincere manner) earnestly, genuinely, honestly, truthfully; see also Thesaurus:honestly
- (formula for ending a letter) yours sincerely (UK), sincerely yours (US), yours truly, best regards, regards
- French: sincèrement
- Italian: sinceramente, in fede, con sincerità
- Portuguese: sinceramente
- Russian: и́скренне
- Spanish: sinceramente
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004