  • IPA: /ˈslænt/, /ˈslɑːnt/

slant (plural slants)

  1. A slope; an incline, inclination.
    The house was built on a bit of a slant and was never quite level.
  2. A sloped surface or line.
  3. (mining) A run: a heading driven diagonally between the dip and strike of a coal seam.
  4. (typography) Synonym of slash#English|slash ⟨ / ⟩, particularly in its use to set off pronunciations from other text.
  5. An oblique movement or course.
  6. (biology) A sloping surface in a culture medium.
  7. A pan with a sloped bottom used for holding paintbrushes.
  8. A container or surface bearing shallow sloping areas to hold watercolors.
  9. (US, obsolete) A sarcastic remark; shade, an indirect mocking insult.
  10. (slang) An opportunity, particularly to go somewhere.
  11. (Australia, slang) A crime committed for the purpose of being apprehended and transported to a major settlement.
  12. (originally US) A point of view, an angle; a bias.
    It was a well written article, but it had a bit of a leftist slant.
  13. (US) A look, a glance.
  14. (US, ethnic slur, pejorative) A person with slanting eyes, particularly an East Asian.
Synonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations Verb

slant (slants, present participle slanting; past and past participle slanted)

  1. (ambitransitive) To lean, tilt or incline.
    If you slant the track a little more, the marble will roll down it faster.
    • On the side of yonder slanting hill
  2. (transitive) To bias or skew.
    The group tends to slant its policies in favor of the big businesses it serves.
  3. (Scotland, intransitive) To lie or exaggerate.
Related terms Translations Translations Adjective


  1. Sloping; oblique; slanted.
    • 2015, Michael Z. Williamson, A Long Time Until Now
      By the eighth day, Alexander and Caswell had lashed together a hut with a slant roof […]

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