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sloppy (comparative sloppier, superlative sloppiest)
- Very wet; covered in or composed of slop.
- The dog tracked sloppy mud through the kitchen!
- Messy; not neat, elegant, or careful.
- The carpenter did a sloppy job of building the staircase.
- Imprecise or loose.
- A sloppy measurement; a sloppy fit!
- See also Thesaurus:careless
- French: bâclé, négligé
- German: schlampig, salopp
- Italian: sciatto, trascurato, negletto
- Portuguese: desleixado
- Russian: неря́шливый
- Spanish: desprolijo, chapucero, descuidado, desaliñado, desaseado
- French: lâche, large, ample
- Italian: abborracciato, approssimativo, maccheronico
- Russian: свобо́дный
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004