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- IPA: /sneɪl/
snail (plural snails)
- Any of very many animals (either hermaphroditic or nonhermaphroditic), of the class Gastropoda, having a coiled shell.
- (informal, by extension) A slow person; a sluggard.
- (engineering) A spiral cam, or a flat piece of metal of spirally curved outline, used for giving motion to, or changing the position of, another part, as the hammer tail of a striking clock.
- (military, historical) A tortoise or testudo; a movable roof or shed to protect besiegers.
(in translation) - They had also all manner of gynes [engines] […] that needful is [in] taking or sieging of castle or of city, as snails, that was naught else but hollow pavises and targets, under the which men, when they fought, were heled [protected] […]
- The pod of the snail clover.
- French: escargot, limaçon
- German: Schnecke any animal of the class Gastropoda, also without shell, Gehäuseschnecke
- Italian: chiocciola, lumaca
- Portuguese: caramujo, caracol
- Russian: ули́тка
- Spanish: caracol
snail (snails, present participle snailing; past and past participle snailed)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004