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- IPA: /snuːp/
snoop (snoops, present participle snooping; past and past participle snooped)
- To be devious and cunning so as not to be seen.
- To secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others.
- If I had not snooped on her, I wouldn't have found out that she lied about her degree.
- French: espionner
- German: spionieren
- Russian: высле́живать
- Spanish: disimulado
- German: spionieren, schnüffeln
- Russian: высле́живать
- Spanish: fisgonear, espiar, husmear
snoop (plural snoops)
- The act of snooping
- One who snoops
- Be careful what you say around Gene because he's the bosses' snoop.
- A private detective
- She hired a snoop to find out if her husband was having an affair.
- German: Schnüffeln
- Russian: подсма́тривание
- Spanish: husmear, fisgar
- German: Schnüffler, Schnüfflerin
- Russian: стука́ч
- German: Schnüffler, Privatdetektiv
- Italian: (slang) segugio
- Russian: ча́стный детекти́в
- Spanish: detective
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004