see also: Son, SON
Proper noun
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see also: Son, SON
- IPA: /sʌn/, /sɒn/
son (plural sons)
- One's male offspring.
- Before the birth of the man's child, he said: "I want a son, not a daughter."
- 1671, John Milton, “Book the First”, in Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, London: Printed by J. M[acock] for John Starkey […], OCLC 228732398 ↗, lines 165-166, page 10 ↗:
- From what conſummate vertue I have choſe / This perfect Man, by merit call'd my Son,
- A male adopted person in relation to his adoptive parents.
- A male person who has such a close relationship with an older or otherwise more authoritative person that he can be regarded as a son of the other person.
- A male person considered to have been significantly shaped by some external influence.
- He was a son of the mafia system.
- A male descendant.
- The pharaohs were believed to be sons of the Sun.
- A familiar address to a male person from an older or otherwise more authoritative person.
- (UK, colloquial) An informal address to a friend or person of equal authority.
- See also Thesaurus:son
son (sons, present participle sonning; past and past participle sonned)
- (transitive) To produce (i.e. bear, father, beget) a son.
- (transitive) To address (someone) as "son".
Proper noun
- (Christianity) one of the three persons of the Trinity, believed to have become incarnated in Jesus Christ
- Initialism of supraoptic nucleus
- Abbreviation of Sonora#English|Sonora. state of Mexico
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003