speed bump

speed bump (plural speed bumps)

  1. A traffic calming measure, consisting of a transverse ridge in the road, to limit the speed of vehicles.
  • judder bar (New Zealand)
  • ramp
  • sleeping policeman
  • speed hump
  • road hump
  • traffic bump
  • French: ralentisseur, casse-vitesse
  • German: Bodenschwelle (formal), Bremsschwelle (formal), Fahrbahnschwelle (formal); Hubbel, Verkehrshubbel (colloquial)
  • Italian: dosso stradale
  • Portuguese: banda sonora, lombada (Brazil)
  • Russian: лежа́чий полице́йский
  • Spanish: reductor de velocidad (especially formal usage), resalto (especially formal usage), badén (Spain), banda sonora (Spain), chapa acostado (Ecuador), durmiente (Nicaragua), giba (Peru), guardia tumbado (Spain), lomada (Argentina), lomo de burro (Argentina), lomo de toro (Chile), muerto (Costa Rica), muro (Venezuela), policía acostado (Colombia), policía dormido (Costa Rica), policía muerto (Panama), rompemuelles (Bolivia), tope (Mexico), túmulo (El Salvador), vibrador (Mexico)

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