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- IPA: /ˈstaɪfəl/
stifle (plural stifles)
- A hind knee of various mammals, especially horses.
- (veterinary medicine) A bone disease of this region.
stifle (stifles, present participle stifling; past and past participle stifled)
- (transitive) To interrupt or cut off.
- (transitive) To repress, keep in or hold back.
- I desire only to have things fairly represented as they really are; no evidence smothered or stifled.
- The army stifled the rebellion.
- (transitive) To smother or suffocate.
- Stifled with kisses, a sweet death he dies.
- 1708, Jonathan Swift, Accomplishment of the First Prediction
- I took my leave, being half stifled with the closeness of the room.
- The heat was stifling the children.
- (intransitive) To feel smothered etc.
- The heat felt stifling.
- (intransitive) To die of suffocation.
- Two firemen tragically stifled in yesterday's fire when trying to rescue an old lady from her bedroom.
- (transitive) To treat a silkworm cocoon with steam as part of the process of silk production.
- (to die of suffocation) See also Thesaurus:die
- (To repress or hold back) hinder, restrain, suppress, throttle
- French: interrompre, couper
- German: unterbrechen
- Italian: interrompere, tagliare, celare, ricoprire
- Portuguese: interromper
- Russian: прерыва́ть
- French: réprimer
- German: unterdrücken
- Italian: soffocare, reprimere, trattenere, affogare
- Portuguese: reprimir
- Russian: подавля́ть
- Spanish: reprimir, sofocar
- German: erdrücken, ersticken
- Italian: soffocare, boccheggiare
- Portuguese: sufocar
- Russian: души́ть
- Spanish: sofocar
- Italian: boccheggiare
- Russian: задыха́ться
- German: ersticken
- Italian: soffocare, asfissiare
- Portuguese: sufocar
- Russian: задыха́ться
- Spanish: asfixiarse
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003