see also: Stringer
  • (British) IPA: /stɹɪŋə/
  • (America, Canada) IPA: /stɹɪŋɚ/

stringer (plural stringers)

  1. Someone who threads something; one who makes or provides strings, especially for bows.
    • Be content to put your trust in honest stringers.
  2. Someone who strings someone along.
  3. A horizontal timber that supports upright posts, or supports the hull of a vessel.
  4. The side rail supporting the rungs of a ladder or the steps of a flight of stairs.
  5. A small screw-hook to which piano strings are sometimes attached.
  6. (journalism) A freelance correspondent not on the regular newspaper staff, especially one retained on a part-time basis to report on events in a particular place.
  7. (sports) A person who plays on a particular string.
  8. (surfing) Wooden strip running lengthwise down the centre of a surfboard, for strength.
    Line up the 1/2 template with the stringer (or draw a center line) — Stephen Pirsch
  9. (baseball, slang, 1800s) A hard-hit ball.
  10. (fishing) A cord or chain, sometimes with additional loops, that is threaded through the mouth and gills of caught fish.
    • 1970, Field & Stream (volume 75, number 7, page 76)
      "Okay, that's a keeper," Harold said as he netted the 3-pounder and put him on a stringer over the side of the boat.
  11. A pallet or skid used when shipping less than truckload (LTL) freight. A platform typically constructed of timber or plastic designed such that freight may be stacked on top, able to be lifted by a forklift.
  12. (obsolete) A libertine; a wencher.
  • German: Saitenaufzieher, Besaiter
  • Italian: cordaio
Translations Translations Translations
  • German: freier Mitarbeiter
  • Italian: corrispondente libero, giornalista, inviato
  • Portuguese: stringer, correspondente frila
Proper noun
  1. Surname for a stringer.

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