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- Adjective and Noun
- Verb
- Placed in a lower class, rank, or position.
- The several kinds and subordinate species of each are easily distinguished.
- Synonyms: lesser
- Antonyms: superior, superordinate
- Submissive or inferior to, or controlled by authority.
- It was subordinate, not enslaved, to the understanding.
- Antonyms: insubordinate
- (grammar, of a clause, not comparable) dependent on and either modifying or complementing the main clause
- In the sentence “The barbecue finished before John arrived”, the subordinate clause “before John arrived” specifies the time of the main clause, “The barbecue finished”.
- Synonyms: dependent
- Antonyms: independent, main
- Descending in a regular series.
- French: subordonné, subordonnée, subordonnés, subordonnées
- German: untergeordnet, nachgeordnet
- Portuguese: subordinado
- Russian: подчинённый
- Spanish: subordinado
- German: untergeordnet, nachgeordnet
- Portuguese: subordinado, subordinada
- Russian: подчинённый
- Portuguese: subordinado
- Russian: прида́точный
subordinate (plural subordinates)
(countable) One who is subordinate. - Synonyms: inferior, junior, report, underling, understrapper
- Antonyms: boss, commander, leader, manager, superior, supervisor
- German: Untergebene, Befehlsempfänger
- Portuguese: subordinado
subordinate (subordinates, present participle subordinating; past and past participle subordinated)
- (transitive) To make subservient.
- (transitive) To treat as of less value or importance.
- Synonyms: belittle, denigrate
- (transitive, finance) To make of lower priority in order of payment in bankruptcy.
- Portuguese: subordinar, submeter, subjugar, dominar
- Russian: подчиня́ть
- Portuguese: subordinar, submeter, sujeitar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002