Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
supply (supplies, present participle supplying; past and past participle supplied)
(transitive) To provide (something), to make (something) available for use. - to supply money for the war
- (transitive) To furnish or equip with.
- to supply a furnace with fuel; to supply soldiers with ammunition
- (transitive) To fill up, or keep full.
- Rivers are supplied by smaller streams.
- (transitive) To compensate for, or make up a deficiency of.
- 1881, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque:
- It was objected against him that he had never experienced love. Whereupon he arose, left the society, and made it a point not to return to it until he considered that he had supplied the defect.
- 1881, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque:
- (transitive) To serve instead of; to take the place of.
- Burning ships the banished sun supply.
- The sun was set, and Vesper, to supply / His absent beams, had lighted up the sky.
- (intransitive) To act as a substitute.
- (transitive) To fill temporarily; to serve as substitute for another in, as a vacant place or office; to occupy; to have possession of.
- to supply a pulpit
- French: fournir, approvisionner
- German: zur Verfügung stellen, bereitstellen, liefern, versorgen to supply someone with something
- Italian: fornire
- Portuguese: suprir, prover, fornecer, abastecer
- Russian: снабжа́ть
- Spanish: proveer, abastecer, suministrar
- German: liefern, ausrüsten
- Italian: rifornire, allestire
- Portuguese: suprir, prover, abastecer
- Russian: снабжа́ть
- Spanish: proveer, equipar, municionar
- (uncountable) The act of supplying.
- supply and demand
- (countable) An amount of something supplied.
- A supply of good drinking water is essential.
- She said, “China has always had a freshwater supply problem with 20 percent of the world’s population but only 7 percent of its freshwater.
- (in the plural) provisions.
- (mostly, in the plural) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures.
- to vote supplies
- Somebody, such as a teacher or clergyman, who temporarily fills the place of another; a substitute.
- French: approvisionnement
- German: Versorgung, Angebot
- Portuguese: abastecimento, suprimento
- Russian: снабже́ние
- Spanish: oferta, abasto
- German: Versorgung
- Italian: fornitura
- Portuguese: provisão
- Russian: запа́с
- Spanish: abasto, abastecimiento, suministro
- French: vivres
- German: Vorrat
- Italian: approvvigionamento
- Portuguese: provisões
- Russian: припа́сы
- Spanish: útil, provisiones
- Italian: supplente
- Spanish: suplente
- Supplely: in a supple manner, with suppleness.
- 1906, Ford Madox Ford, The fifth queen: and how she came to court, page 68:
- His voice was playful and full; his back was bent supply.
- 1938, David Leslie Murray, Commander of the mists:
- […] the rain struck on her head as she bent supply to the movements of the pony, while it scrambled up the bank to the sheltering trees. For a couple of miles the path ran through woods alive with the varied voices of the rain, […]
- 1963, Johanna Moosdorf, Next door:
- She swayed slightly in the gusts, bent supply to them and seemed at one with the force which Straup found so hostile.
- 1988, Михаи́л Алекса́ндрович Шо́лохов (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov), Quiet flows the Don (translated), volume 1, page 96:
- Grigory hesitantly took her in his arms to kiss her, but she held him off, bent supply backwards and shot a frightened glance at the windows.
- 'They'll see!'
- 'Let them!'
- 'I'd be ashamed—'
- 1906, Ford Madox Ford, The fifth queen: and how she came to court, page 68:
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