
From Middle English swete hert, swete heorte; equivalent to sweet + heart.

  • (RP) IPA: /ˈswiːtˌhɑːt/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈswitˌhɑɹt/, [ˈswiˌɾ(ʱ)ɑɹt̠̚]

sweetheart (plural sweethearts)

  1. A person who is always very kind.
    She is such a sweetheart: she never complains about me being late.
  2. A person very much liked or loved by someone, especially when both partners are young.
    John married his high-school sweetheart in 1981.
    • c. 1591–1595 (date written), [William Shakespeare], […] Romeo and Iuliet. […] (Second Quarto), London: […] Thomas Creede, for Cuthbert Burby, […], published 1599, →OCLC ↗, [Act IV, scene v]:
      Why Lambe, why Lady, fie you ſluggabed, / Why Loue I ſay, Madam, ſweeteheart, why Bride: / What not a word, you take your penniworths now, / Sleepe for a weeke, […]
  3. (US) A female member of a college or university fraternity.
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