Pronunciation Noun

tank (plural tanks)

  1. A closed container for liquids or gases.
  2. An open container or pool for storing water or other liquids.
  3. A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.
    • The tanks are full and the grass is high.
  4. The fuel reservoir of a vehicle.
  5. The amount held by a container; a tankful.
    I burned three tanks of gas on the drive to New York.
  6. An armoured fighting vehicle, armed with a gun in a turret, and moving on caterpillar tracks.
  7. (Australian and Indian English) A reservoir or dam.
  8. (Southwestern US, chiefly, Texas) A large metal container for holding drinking water for animals, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump, in an animal pen or field.
  9. (Southwestern US, chiefly, Texas) By extension a small pond for the same purpose.
  10. (slang) A very muscular and physically imposing person. Somebody who is built like a tank.
  11. (role-playing games, board games, video games) a unit or character designed primarily around damage absorption and holding the attention of the enemy (as opposed to dealing damage, healing, or other tasks)
  12. (US, slang) A prison cell, or prison generally.
  • (military fighting vehicle) battle tank, combat tank, armour (mass noun), tango (Canadian military slang)
Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: танк

tank (tanks, present participle tanking; past and past participle tanked)

  1. To fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stock market); to degenerate or decline rapidly; to plummet.
  2. (video games) To attract the attacks of an enemy target in cooperative team-based combat, so that one's teammates can defeat the enemy in question more efficiently.
  3. (transitive) To put (fuel, etc.) into a tank.
  4. To deliberately lose a sports match with the intent of gaining a perceived future competitive advantage.
    • Beforehand, Swedish [national ice hockey team] coach Bengt-Ake Gustafsson had ruminated about tanking against Slovakia to avoid powerful Canada or the Czechs in the quarters [i.e., quarterfinals of the 2006 Winter Olympic tournament], telling Swedish television, "One is cholera, the other the plague."
  5. (fandom slang) To resist damage; to be attacked without being hurt.
  • Spanish: tanquear
  • Spanish: tanquear

tank (plural tanks)

  1. A small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight.
  2. A Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls.

tank (tanks, present participle tanking; past and past participle tanked)

  1. (Singapore, informal) To stand; to tolerate.
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