  • (British) IPA: /tɑˈpɔː.lɪn/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈtɑːɹpəlɪn/, /tɑɹˈpɔ.lɪn/


  1. (countable) A tarp, a heavy, waterproof sheet of material, often cloth, used as a cover or blanket.
    Throw a tarpaulin over that woodpile before it gets wet.
  2. (countable, slang, archaic) A sailor (often abbreviated to tar)
  3. (uncountable, obsolete) Any heavy, waterproof material used as a cover.
  4. (uncountable, nautical, obsolete) Canvas waterproofed with tar, used as a cover.
  5. A hat made of, or covered with, painted or tarred cloth, worn by sailors and others.
  • French: bâche
  • German: Persenning, Plane
  • Italian: telone impermeabile, tela cerata
  • Portuguese: encerado, oleado
  • Russian: брезе́нт
  • Spanish: lona alquitranada, lona impermeable, lona
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