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- IPA: /təˈneɪʃəs/
- Clinging to an object or surface; adhesive.
- Unwilling to yield or give up; dogged.
- Holding together; cohesive.
- Having a good memory; retentive.
- (clinging to an object or surface) clingsome, sticky; see also Thesaurus:adhesive
- (unwilling to yield or give up) pigheaded, steadfast; see also Thesaurus:obstinate
- (holding together) coherent; see also Thesaurus:cohesive
- (having a good memory) elephantlike, memorious; see also Thesaurus:memorious
- German: fest haftend, festklebend, klebrig
- Portuguese: aderente, tenaz
- Russian: вя́зкий
- Spanish: aferrado
- French: tenace
- German: hartnäckig, beharrlich
- Portuguese: tenaz, teimoso, porfiado
- Russian: упря́мый
- Spanish: tenaz, tesonero
- German: zusammenhaftend
- Russian: связующий
- German: gedächtnisstark
- Russian: кре́пкий
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003