tensor product
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tensor product (plural tensor products)
- (math) The most general bilinear operation in various contexts (as with vectors, matrices, tensors, vector spaces, algebras, topological vector spaces, modules, and so on), denoted by ⊗.
- Linear Transformations on Tensor Products of Vector Spaces
- Proposition 16. Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces over the field F with bases v_1, ..., v_n and w_1, ..., w_m respectively. Then V \otimes_F W is a vector space over F of dimension nm with basis v_i \otimes w_j, 1 \le i \le n and 1 \le j \le m.
- [The tensor product] U\otimes V is the span of \{u\otimes v : u \in U, v \in V\}
modulo the relations
\begin{cases} \cdot \ u \otimes (v + v') = u \otimes v + u \otimes v' \\ \cdot \ (u + u') \otimes v = u \otimes v + u' \otimes v \\ \cdot \ (\lambda u) \otimes v = \lambda (u \otimes v) = u \otimes (\lambda v)\end{cases}
- French: produit tensoriel
- German: Tensorprodukt
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