see also: Test, TEST
  • IPA: /tɛst/
  • (South African) IPA: /test/

test (plural tests)

  1. A challenge#Noun|challenge, trial.
  2. A cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement.
  3. (academia) An examination, given often during the academic term.
  4. A session in which a product or piece of equipment is examined under everyday or extreme conditions to evaluate its durability, etc.
  5. (cricket, normally “Test) A Test match.
  6. (marine biology) The external calciferous shell, or endoskeleton, of an echinoderm, e.g. sand dollars and sea urchins.
  7. (botany) Testa; seed coat.
  8. (obsolete) Judgment; distinction; discrimination.
    • Who would excel, when few can make a test / Betwixt indifferent writing and the best?
  • (challenge, trial) seeSynonyms en
  • (academics: examination) examination, quiz
  • (academics: examination) recess
Translations Translations Translations Verb

test (tests, present participle testing; past and past participle tested)

  1. To challenge#Verb|challenge.
    Climbing the mountain tested our stamina.
  2. To refine (gold, silver, etc.) in a test or cupel; to subject to cupellation.
  3. To put to the proof; to prove the truth, genuineness, or quality of by experiment, or by some principle or standard; to try.
    to test the soundness of a principle; to test the validity of an argument
    • Experience is the surest standard by which to test the real tendency of the existing constitution.
  4. (academics) To administer or assign an examination, often given during the academic term, to (somebody).
  5. To place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions and examine it for its durability, etc.
  6. (copulative) To be shown to be by test.
    He tested positive for cancer.
    • 2015, Leta Stetter Hollingworth, ‎Harry Levi Hollingworth, Children Above 180 IQ Stanford-Binet: Origin and Development
      It is probable that children who test above 180 IQ are actually present in our juvenile population in greater frequency than at the rate of one in a million.
  7. (chemistry) To examine or try, as by the use of some reagent.
    to test a solution by litmus paper
Translations Translations
  • French: tester
  • Russian: тести́ровать
Translations Noun

test (plural tests)

  1. (obsolete) A witness.
    • Prelates and great lords of England, who were for the more surety tests of that deed.

test (tests, present participle testing; past and past participle tested)

  1. (obsolete, transitive) To attest (a document) legally, and date it.
  2. (obsolete, intransitive) To make a testament, or will.
Related terms Noun

test (uncountable)

  1. (informal, slang, body building) testosterone


test (plural tests)

  1. (cricket) (sometimes test) a Test match
Proper noun
  1. A river in Hampshire, England, which empties into the Solent near Southampton.


test (plural tests)

  1. Acronym of Treadmill Exercise Stress Test

test (uncountable)

  1. Abbreviation of testosterone#English|testosterone.

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