Pronunciation Noun


  1. Straw, rushes, or similar, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain.
  2. (West Indies) Any of several kinds of palm, the leaves of which are used for thatching.
  3. A buildup of cut grass, stolons or other material on the soil in a lawn.
  4. (by extension) Any straw-like material, such as a person's hair.
    • 2008, Wallace Madding, The Country Club Killings: A Montana Story (page 21)
      An outgoing, story-telling Irishman from Butte, Montana, with his thatch of red hair and sandpapered face, Matt was the quintessential imp.
  • (straw for covering roofs or stacks) haulm
  • French: chaume
  • Portuguese: colmo
  • Russian: соло́ма
  • Spanish: techo de paja

thatch (thatches, present participle thatching; past and past participle thatched)

  1. To cover the roof with straw, reed, leaves, etc.

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