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- (British) IPA: /ˈtaɪ.tən/
tighten (tightens, present participle tightening; past and past participle tightened)
- (transitive) To make tighter.
- Please tighten that screw a quarter-turn.
- Just where I please, with tightened rein / I'll urge thee round the dusty plain.
- (intransitive) To become tighter.
- That joint is tightening as the wood dries.
- (economics) To make money harder to borrow or obtain.
- If the government doesn't tighten the money supply, inflation is certain to be harsh.
- (economics) To raise short-term interest rates.
- The Fed is expected to tighten by a quarter-point.
- (make tighter) loosen
- French: serrer
- German: anziehen (of a screw), straffen (of a rope, belt etc.)
- Italian: stringere
- Portuguese: apertar
- Russian: натя́гивать
- Spanish: apretar, tensar
- French: se resserrer
- Russian: натя́гиваться
- Spanish: tensarse
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003