Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
tomboy (plural tomboys)
- A girl who behaves in a typically boyish manner.
- His sister, his dearest and only playmate, is a tomboy at heart.
- Synonyms: hoyden, ladette, romp
- (with regards to behaviour) Antonyms: girly girl
- (with regards to gender) Antonyms: macho man
- (with regards to gender and behaviour) Antonyms: femboy
- (Philippines, colloquial) A lesbian.
- French: garçon manqué, garçonne
- German: burschikos, jungenhaft (both adjectives; if necessary, nominalize or construe with Mädchen); an ihr ist ein Junge verloren gehen; Wildfang (bubbly, rambunctious, wild); Mannsweib (pejorative; rarely of children)
- Italian: maschiaccio
- Portuguese: maria-rapaz
- Russian: паца́нка
- Spanish: marimacha, marimacho, machorra, chicazo, varonera (Argentina, Uruguay)
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