  • IPA: /ˈtɔːɹəs/

torus (plural tori)

  1. (topology) A topological space which is a product of two circles.
    A 4-variable Karnaugh map can be thought of, topologically, as being a torus.
  2. (mathematics) The standard representation of such a space in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: a shape consisting of a ring with a circular cross-section: the shape of an inner tube or hollow doughnut.
  3. (topology, in combination, n-torus, 4-torus, etc.) The product of the specified number of circles.
  4. (architecture) A molding which projects at the base of a column and above the plinth.
  5. (botany) The end of the peduncle or flower stalk to which the floral parts (or in the Asteraceae, the florets of a flower head) are attached; receptacle, thalamus.
  6. (anatomy) A rounded ridge, especially one on the occipital bone.
  • French: tore
  • Russian: тор
  • Spanish: toro
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