Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
totem (plural totems)
- Any natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe, clan or family.
- The representation of such object or creature.
- The clan whose kinship is defined in reference to such an object or creature.
- 1921, Wilhelm Max Wundt, Edward Leroy Schaub, Elements of folk psychology: outlines of a psychological history:
- The totem members were forbidden to eat the flesh of the totem animal, or were allowed to do so only under specific conditions.
- 1921, Wilhelm Max Wundt, Edward Leroy Schaub, Elements of folk psychology: outlines of a psychological history:
- An arbitrarily chosen object serving as a reminder to check whether one is awake or not, to aid in having lucid dreams.
- 2010, "ren", Inception and Lucid Dreaming (on newsgroup alt.religion.wicca)
- The best way to determine if you are dreaming or not is to have a totem in your lucid dreams that does not exist in reality. Inducing yourself is as easy as waking up during the night and practicing as you fall back asleep. Say, "I will be aware I am dreaming while I am dreaming by seeing my totem."
- 2010, "ren", Inception and Lucid Dreaming (on newsgroup alt.religion.wicca)
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