  • (America)
    • (nMmmm) IPA: /tɹæn(t)sˈpæɹənt/, /tɹænz-/
    • (Mmmm) IPA: /tɹæn(t)sˈpɛɹənt/, /tɹænz-/
  • (RP) IPA: /tɹæn(t)sˈpæɹənt/, /tɹænzˈpæɹənt/


  1. (of a material or object) See-through, clear; having the property that light passes through it almost undisturbed, such that one can see through it clearly.
    The waters of the lake were transparent until the factory dumped waste there.
    • 1897, H. G. Wells, The Invisible Man, chapter 19,
      "You make the glass invisible by putting it into a liquid of nearly the same refractive index; a transparent thing becomes invisible if it is put in any medium of almost the same refractive index."
  2. (of a system or organization) Open, public; having the property that theories and practices are publicly visible, thereby reducing the chance of corruption.
  3. Obvious; readily apparent; easy to see or understand.
    His reasons for the decision were transparent.
  4. (signal processing) Having the property of transparency, i.e. sufficiently accurate that the compressed result is perceptually indistinguishable from the uncompressed input.
  5. (computing) Not noticeable because it happens automatically or in the background; invisible.
    • 2003, Rolf Oppliger, Security Technologies for the World Wide Web (page 34)
      In order to make that transparent to the user, browsers usually cache the usernames and passwords and retransmit them automatically each time they contact the server.
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