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- IPA: /tʌb/
tub (plural tubs)
- A flat-bottomed vessel, of width similar to or greater than its height, used for storing or packing things, or for washing things in.
- He bought a tub of lard to roast the potatoes in.
- The contents or capacity of such a vessel.
- He added a tub of margarine to the stew.
- A bathtub.
- (nautical, informal) A slow-moving craft.
- (humorous or derogatory) Any structure shaped like a tub, such as a certain old form of pulpit, a short broad boat, etc.
- All being took up and busied, some in pulpits and some in tubs, in the grand work of preaching and holding forth.
- A small cask.
- a tub of gin
- Any of various historically designated quantities of goods to be sold by the tub (butter, oysters, etc).
- (mining) A box or bucket in which coal or ore is sent up a shaft.
- (obsolete) A sweating in a tub; a tub fast.
- (slang) A corpulent or obese person.
- 2003, Trey Ellis, Platitudes: & the New Black Aesthetic (page 139)
- Donald tells him to be more realistic. Take those two girls over there, for example. One's a zitface and the other's a tub, so they'd be perfect for them.
- 2003, Trey Ellis, Platitudes: & the New Black Aesthetic (page 139)
- French: bassine
- German: (small, e.g. for icecream) Dose; (large, e.g. for washing or flowers) Kübel, Bottich
- Italian: tinozza, vaschetta, contenitore
- Portuguese: tina
- Russian: ка́дка
- Spanish: cuba, tina
- French: rafiot
- Italian: bagnarola
- Russian: посудина
tub (tubs, present participle tubbing; past and past participle tubbed)
- (transitive) To plant, set, or store in a tub.
- to tub a plant
- (ambitransitive) To bathe in a tub.
- Don't we all tub in England?
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002