  • (RP, America, Canada) IPA: /ʌn/
  • (Australia) IPA: /an/
Etymology 1

From Middle English un-, from Old English un-, from Proto-West Germanic *un-, from Proto-Germanic *un-, from Proto-Indo-European *n̥-.

  1. (added to adjectives or past participles) not
  2. (added to nouns) lack of
  3. (added to nouns) contrary to traditional norms; unconventional
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Etymology 2

From Middle English on-, from Old English on-, ond-, and- ("against, facing, toward; in return, back, without"), from Proto-West Germanic *anda-, from Proto-Germanic *anda-, *andi- ("against"), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂énti, from *h₂énts ("end, limit, forehead").

  1. (added to verbs) the inverse of a specified action
  2. (added to nouns to form verbs) deprive of, release from, free from, remove from, extract from
  3. (rare) intensifying a verb that already suggests opposition or removal
Synonyms Translations Etymology 3

From Latin ūnus.

  1. Used for the digit one to form temporary names of elements whose existence has been predicted, and which have not yet been given a trivial name.
    un- (“1”) + ‎bi- (“2”) + ‎un- (“1”) + ‎-ium (element suffix) → ‎unbiunium (“element 121”)
  2. Used to form large numbers as the first in the sequence.
  • -un-

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