  • (GA) IPA: /ʌnˈkʌvɚ/
  • (RP) IPA: /ʌnˈkʌvə(ɹ)/

uncover (uncovers, present participle uncovering; past and past participle uncovered)

  1. To remove a cover from.
    The model railway was uncovered.
  2. To reveal the identity of.
    The murderer has finally been uncovered.
  3. To show openly; to disclose; to reveal.
    • 1649, [John] Milton, [Eikonoklastes]  […], London: Printed by Matthew Simmons,  […], OCLC 1044608640 ↗:
      To uncover his perjury to the oath of his coronation.
  4. (reflexive, intransitive) To remove one's hat or cap as a mark of respect.
    • 1824, Town and Country Tales (page 115)
      Alfred, surprised to meet his father, whom he thought absent from home, […] stood, holding his firelock in one hand, and his hat in the other, having uncovered himself as soon as he perceived his father.
  5. (military, transitive) To expose (lines of formation of troops) successively by the wheeling to right or left of the lines in front.
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