Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
undergo (undergoes, present participle undergoing; past underwent, past participle undergone)
- (transitive, obsolete) To go or move under or beneath.
- (transitive) To experience; to pass through a phase.
- The project is undergoing great changes.
- (transitive) To suffer or endure; bear with.
- The victim underwent great trauma.
- She had to undergo surgery because of her broken leg.
- (to go or move under)
- (to experience) go through, take, undercome
- (to suffer or endure) brook, put up with; See also Thesaurus:tolerate
- French: subir
- German: durchmachen
- Portuguese: passar por, experienciar
- Russian: проходи́ть
- Spanish: experimentar
- French: subir
- Italian: soffrire, sottoporsi
- Portuguese: sofrer
- Russian: испы́тывать
- Spanish: sufrir, soportar, padecer
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002