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undern (uncountable)
- (obsolete) Synonym of terce#English|terce: the third hour of daylight (about 9 am). [10th-15thc.]
- 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, [http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cme/MaloryWks2/1:13.2?rgn=div2;view=fulltext chapter ij], in Le Morte Darthur, book XI:
- (obsolete) Synonym of noon#English|noon: the sixth hour of daylight (12 pm). [14th-15thc.]
- (UK dialect) Synonym of afternoon#English|afternoon. [15thc.]
- (UK dialect) Synonym of evening#English|evening. [15thc.]
- (UK dialect) A light meal, particularly in the afternoon. [17thc.]
- (noon) meridian, sext; see also Thesaurus:midday
- (afternoon) arvo; see also Thesaurus:afternoon
- (evening) eventide; see also Thesaurus:evening
- (light meal) snack
- French: casse-croûte (morning), goûter (afternoon)
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