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- (British, America) IPA: /ʌnˈfɹɛnd/
unfriend (plural unfriends)
- One who is not a friend; an enemy.
- 1822, Scott, Nigel:
- Ye have back-friends, my lord, that is, un-friends, or to be plain, enemies.
- 1916, William Edwin Chilton, John Downey Works, Fiscal relation between the United States and the District of Columbia
- Thus many unfriends and some friends of the Capital agree upon the same policy with diverse and contradictory motives […]
- 1999, Kees Waaijman, John Vriend, The mystical space of Carmel:
- The unfriend betrays me, ignores me, denies me, breaks me down; the unfriend is against and tries to devour my personhood.
- 1822, Scott, Nigel:
unfriend (unfriends, present participle unfriending; past and past participle unfriended)
- (rare) To sever as friends.
- (Internet) To defriend; to remove from one's friends list (e.g. on a social networking website).
- 2007, Mia Consalvo, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Internet Research Annual: Volume 4
- "I asked her why, she said it was because I didn't comment, and I shrugged and said whatever. I didn't unfriend her."
- 2007, Mia Consalvo, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Internet Research Annual: Volume 4
- German: entfreunden
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003