  • (British, America) IPA: /ʌnˈfɹɛnd/

unfriend (plural unfriends)

  1. One who is not a friend; an enemy.
    • 1822, Scott, Nigel:
      Ye have back-friends, my lord, that is, un-friends, or to be plain, enemies.
    • 1916, William Edwin Chilton, John Downey Works, Fiscal relation between the United States and the District of Columbia
      Thus many unfriends and some friends of the Capital agree upon the same policy with diverse and contradictory motives […]
    • 1999, Kees Waaijman, John Vriend, The mystical space of Carmel:
      The unfriend betrays me, ignores me, denies me, breaks me down; the unfriend is against and tries to devour my personhood.
Synonyms Verb

unfriend (unfriends, present participle unfriending; past and past participle unfriended)

  1. (rare) To sever as friends.
  2. (Internet) To defriend; to remove from one's friends list (e.g. on a social networking website).
    • 2007, Mia Consalvo, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Internet Research Annual: Volume 4
      "I asked her why, she said it was because I didn't comment, and I shrugged and said whatever. I didn't unfriend her."
Synonyms Antonyms Translations
  • German: entfreunden

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