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- The act of unifying.
- The state of being unified.
- (mathematical logic, computer science) Given two terms, their join with respect to a specialisation order.
- 5.7.T ( Unification theorem ) For any two terms or formulas
without quantifiers X and Y, the following holds.
(i) The unification algorithm UNIF1, applied to X, Y,
terminates after a finite number of steps.
(ii) {X, Y} is unifiable iff UNIF1 so indicates upon ter-
mination. Moreover, the substitution σ then available as out-
put is a most general unifier of {X, Y}.
- 5.7.T ( Unification theorem ) For any two terms or formulas
- French: unification
- German: Vereinigung
- Italian: unificazione
- Portuguese: unificação
- Russian: объедине́ние
- Spanish: unificación
- Portuguese: união
- Russian: унифика́ция
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002