see also: Uphold
  • IPA: /ˌʌpˈhold/

uphold (upholds, present participle upholding; past upheld, past participle upheld)

  1. To hold up; to lift on high; to elevate.
  2. To keep erect; to support; to sustain; to keep from falling
  3. To support by approval or encouragement, to confirm (something which has been questioned)
    • 1748. David Hume. Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. § 18:
      but there was still a connexion upheld among the different ideas, which succeeded each other.
Translations Translations
  • Russian: поддерживать
  • Spanish: sustentar, sostener
Proper noun
  1. Surname

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