Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- A thin decorative covering of fine material (usually wood) applied to coarser wood or other material.
- An attractive appearance that covers or disguises true nature or feelings.
- 2014 December 5, "Joy From the World ↗," The New York Times Magazine (retrieved 6 December 2014):
- “Yalda,” Dabashi says, “has managed to survive the centuries because it has been gently recodified with a Muslim veneer.”
- 2014 December 5, "Joy From the World ↗," The New York Times Magazine (retrieved 6 December 2014):
- French: placage
- German: Furnier
- Italian: impiallacciatura, rivestimento decorativo
- Portuguese: folheado
- Russian: шпон
- Spanish: chapa, chapa de madera, chapeado, contrachapado
- French: vernis
- German: Fassade
- Italian: facciata, mascheratura, copertura, dissimulazione
- Russian: вне́шний лоск
- Spanish: barniz
veneer (veneers, present participle veneering; past and past participle veneered)
- (transitive, woodworking) To apply veneer to.
- to veneer a piece of furniture with mahogany
- (transitive, figurative) To disguise#Verb|disguise with apparent goodness.
- French: vernir
- German: furnieren
- Italian: impiallacciare, rivestire, ricoprire, mascherare
- Portuguese: folhear
- Russian: облицовывать
- Spanish: chapar, chapear, enchapar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003