Pronunciation Adverb
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Pronunciation Adverb
verbatim (not comparable)
- Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally.
- I have copied his speech verbatim, so this is exactly what he said, word for word.
- 1971, Denis Mahon, Studies in Seicento Art and Theory, p317
- […] in several instances Mancini’s text is virtually reproduced verbatim by Bellori.120
- (obsolete) Orally; verbally.
- French: texto, mot pour mot, littéralement
- German: wortgetreu, wortwörtlich, Wort für Wort
- Italian: parola per parola
- Portuguese: à letra, palavra por palavra, ipsis litteris, verbatim
- Russian: досло́вно
- Spanish: literalmente, textualmente, palabra por palabra, al pie de la palabra
verbatim (not comparable)
- (of a document) Corresponding with the original word for word.
- Date unknown: Joint Committee on Printing Congress of the United States, General Statement of Procedure for Verbatim Reporting of Proceedings in Senate Chamber, page five:
- 1917, Andreĭ Ivanovich Shingarev, Russia and Her Allies: Extract from the Verbatim Report of the Imperial Duma, IVth Session, 16th Sitting, page 3:
- 2002, Michael Quim Patton, Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, p381
- Ironically, verbatim note taking can interfere with listening attentively.
- (of a person) Able to take down a speech word for word, especially in shorthand.
- U.S. Department of Labor's description of court reporter's job:
- Some States require voice writers to pass a test and to earn State licensure. As a substitute for State licensure, the National Verbatim Reporters Association offers three national certifications to voice writers: Certified Verbatim Reporter (CVR), the Certificate of Merit (CM), and Real-Time Verbatim Reporter (RVR). Earning these certifications is sufficient to be licensed in States where the voice method of court reporting is permitted.
- U.S. Department of Labor's description of court reporter's job:
- ((of a document) faithful to its original) word for word, to the letter
- Russian: досло́вный
- Spanish: literal
verbatim (plural verbatims)
- A word-for-word report of a speech.
- French: verbatim
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