see also: Victor
  • (British) IPA: /ˈvɪk.tə(ɹ)/

victor (plural victors)

  1. The winner in a fight or contest.
  2. The letter V in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
Synonyms Translations Translations
  • Italian: Venezia
  • Russian: Васи́лий

Proper noun
  1. A male given name.
    • 1988 Graham Greene, The Captain and the Enemy, Penguin Classics (1999), ISBN 014018855X, page 53-54:
      'Well, it's you mother who chose Victor. I never liked the name. It sounded a bit like boasting. I think it was because you were born on May something or other when we celebrate the day Germans surrendered.' 'I wasn't. I was born in September.' 'Oh, then there must have been another reason. Perhaps she thought to have you at all was her victory. Over me. I wasn't so keen on a child.'
  2. The letter V in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
  3. A city in Colorado.
  4. A city in Idaho.
  5. A town in Iowa.
  6. A census-designated place in Montana.
  7. A town in New York.
  8. CDP in San Joaquin County, California.
  9. (cryptography) Placeholder name for the party that verifies a proof.
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Related terms Translations
  • French: Victor
  • German: Viktor
  • Italian: Vittorio, Vittore
  • Portuguese: Victor, Vitor, Víctor, Vítor
  • Russian: Ви́ктор
  • Spanish: Víctor

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