see also: WASP
  • (RP) IPA: /wɒsp/
  • (GA) IPA: /wɑsp/
  • (obsolete) IPA: /wæsp/

wasp (plural wasps)

  1. Any of many types of stinging flying insect resembling a hornet.
  2. (entomology) Any of the members of suborder Apocrita, excepting the ants (family Formicidae) and bees (clade Anthophila).
    1. Any of the members of the family Vespidae.
  3. A person who behaves in an angry or insolent way, hence waspish.
Translations Noun

wasp (plural wasps)

  1. Alternative letter-case form of WASP#English|WASP (“White Anglo-Saxon Protestant”)


wasp (plural wasps)

  1. A member of the dominant American upper-class culture: a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
  2. A member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots.

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